Saturday, August 15, 2009


Well brothers and sisters of the blog i just wanted to report to you one of the funnest and yet dumbest dates i have ever been a part of....I call it muggle Quidditch!!! Yeah that is what i wrote...Quidditch! A sport that seperates men and women from boys and girls. Stars of the pitch hit the field with brooms between there legs this past week!

IT was a overcast and cool evening when the teams from Gryffindor and Slytherin hit the BYU intermural field. This would be a clash of the titans....let us introduce the players...

For Slytherin from Bingham High School we had both Brian and Mallory...From Snow Canyon HIgh School Jordan and Lyndee...from Davis High we had Katie and finally from Timpanogus HIgh School Jeremy Jeffs.

For Gryffindor also from Bingham High School we had Kelsi Hansen who was accompanied by Brett Kocherhans from Timpanogus HIgh School. From Delta High we have Karylinne. From somewhere in the great state of Maine was Scott. Finally from Davis high we had Sammy and her date Steve who is from Fresno...

They had come from far and wide to compete here in Provo Utah! It was to be a battle remembered for the coming eons!

The match started slowly as both teams conserved energy...but the quiet was soon broken as karylinne nailed Jeremy Jeffs with a bludger right in the face...It was on like Donkey Kong!

Kelsi Hansen quickly showed why she was in the running for MVP of the AQL (American Quiditch League) as she promptly scored 3 goals all on fast breaks. she was just outrunning the feild and it became quickly apparent that Slytherin needed a defensive boost...enter Jordan Mulford and Brian Bourne aka the Bash Brothers...The Bash Brothers began controlling Kelsi and Brett's High powered attacks with counter attacks of bludgers.

While The Bash Brothers controlled Brett and Kelsi...Slytherins attacking trio of Jeremy, Mallory and Lyndee poured on some heat offensively. The score became tight.

HOwever the comeback was short lived as Gryffindor dug deep...Karylinne and Scott played some rough defense hitting Slytherin players with there brooms. In interview Scott Meile said, "It got rough out there and me and my girl just laid a beat down on those idiots..." When asked if Gryffindor played dirty Karylinne responded, "Do we play dirty...I guess if you call hitting peoples faces with brooms dirty than absolutely yes!"

While the team rivalry was obviously heated it pailed in comparison to the individual rivalry between Katie and Sammy. They both had played at DAvis High together. "YEah we played high school Quidditch together but that doesn't mean i like her...In fact i have hated sammy ever since i was a girl...she stole my polly pockets one afternoon while playing at my house." The rivalry was evident as Sammy and Katie gunned for only each other the whole game! It was crazy!

With 4 minutes left Jeremy scored 2 goals to pull Slytherine within 3 goals but the come back was to late as time ran out shortly thereafter! In the end it was Gryffindor who pulled out the victory!

All in all this battle of titans was one for the records!
